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Toxic Masculinity in Dog Training

Apr 17, 2023

Toxic masculinity is a term that refers to the harmful and oppressive behavior that is often associated with traditional notions of masculinity. This behavior can manifest in a variety of ways, including aggression, dominance, and a lack of empathy. Unfortunately, toxic masculinity is not limited to just human interactions and can also be found in the dog training industry.

Recent studies have shown that there is a significant disparity between the number of male and female dog trainers. A survey conducted by the American Veterinary Medical Association found that 80% of veterinary technicians and 91% of veterinary assistants are female, while 80% of veterinarians are male. This disparity is also reflected in the dog training industry, where men are more likely to hold positions of power and authority.

One of the ways that toxic masculinity can manifest in the dog training industry is through the use of aggressive and dominant training methods. These methods, which are often associated with traditional notions of masculinity, can be harmful to both dogs and their guardians. Studies have shown that positive reinforcement training methods are more effective and less likely to cause harm.

Toxic masculinity can also be found in the way that some dog trainers interact with their clients. These trainers are more likely to be dismissive of clients' concerns and to use their positions of authority to intimidate and control clients. This can lead to clients feeling disempowered and unable to advocate for their dogs' needs.

It is important to acknowledge the presence of toxic masculinity in the dog training industry and to work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable environment. This can be done by promoting the use of positive reinforcement training methods, supporting female dog trainers, and encouraging men to challenge their own toxic behavior.

Overall, the dog training industry must strive to become more inclusive and equitable for all, as toxic masculinity can be harmful to both dogs and their guardians. By promoting positive reinforcement training methods, supporting female dog trainers, and encouraging men to challenge their own toxic behavior, we can create a more inclusive and equitable environment for everyone.

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