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Training a life-saving behavior

Aug 07, 2023

Training your dog to come when called is one of the most important cues you can teach them. It's not only essential for their safety but also for your peace of mind. Teaching your dog to come when called is a great way to build trust and strengthen the bond between you and your furry companion. Here are some of the benefits of training your dog to come when called:

  1. Safety: Teaching your dog to come when called is essential for their safety. If your dog ever gets loose or runs off, you'll want to be able to call them back to you as quickly as possible. A well-trained dog that comes when called is less likely to get lost or injured.
  2. Building trust: Training your dog to come when called can help to build trust between you and your dog. When your dog comes to you when you call, they're showing that they trust you and that they're willing to follow your lead when necessary.
  3. Improving attention: Teaching your dog to come when called is a great way to improve their overall ability to pay attention to you. When your dog understands that they need to come when you call, they're more likely to follow other trained behaviors as well.
  4. Increasing fun: Teaching your dog to come when called can increase the fun you have with them. You'll be able to call them to you when you're ready to play or go for a walk. This way you can enjoy more quality time with them.
  5. Reducing stress: Training your dog to come when called can also help to reduce stress. When you know that your dog will come when you call, you'll be less worried about them getting lost or running off. This can give you peace of mind and make your relationship with your dog more enjoyable.

In conclusion, training your dog to come when called is an essential cue that can improve your dog's safety, attention and overall behavior. It can also strengthen the bond between you and your dog, increase fun, and reduce stress. Remember, consistency and patience are key to success when training your dog to come when called. It may take time and practice, but the benefits are worth it.

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