Reactive Redefined gives you and your dog the practical skills and emotional support you need to live your best lives.  

Designed for any dog, no matter age or breed. 

Walks Don't Have to Be Stressful!

Learn how to be the best teammate for your dog so you can both enjoy CONNECTED and calmer outings together!

Walk away knowing EXACTLY what you need to do so that you and your dog can live your best lives!



See Why Real Dog Guardians are Raving About Reactive Redefined

The practical skills we learned in Reactive Redefined literally changed our lives! I love my girl so much and we've come so far. To have support, guidance, and quality learning materials to get us farther is tugging at my heart strings. Infinite Thank Yous!

AndrayaDog Mom to Kai, 5 y/o rescue

There's a reason your dog is lunging, barking, growling, and generally LOSING IT!

Does it feel like your dog just can't keep it together out on walks or in the home? Are you exhausted from the physical and emotional toll of your dogs behavior?

We get it, caring for a reactive dog is A LOT. We know it can be daunting trying to figure out the best way to get your dog to CALM the F DOWN!

Regardless if you have a young dog, rescue dog or dog that has been reactive for a long time, the training journey can be an enjoyable process for you both!

All that's needed is your commitment.

Training a reactive dog will take time, patience, commitment and a good sense of humor!

Helping your dog live their best life will take commitment to solid, regular training. They'll keep it together on walks, at the brewery, and at your front door if you make the time to help them. 

If you're like most struggling reactive dog guardians I meet, the biggest hurdle that keeps you and your dog from success is a lack of communication between you and your dog. 

Do you feel like your dog's reactive behavior is random?

Do you ask yourself these questions?

  • Why can't walks be easy?

  • Why can't I get my dog to stop lunging and barking?!

  • How am I going to manage this dog it's whole life?

  • Are we ever going to have success?

  • What if I can't control my dog and they hurt me or someone else? 

  • Is everyone judging me and my dog on walks?
  • Why can't my dog act like my friends' dogs?

Look — dog behavior is complex. You are going to need to be an expert at reading your dog and understanding how to make them feel the most comfortable if you want them to keep it together more often!

Your dog is having a hard time, not giving you a hard time! 

Choosing the wrong training location, time, or tools can result in A LOT of emotions for both you and your dog. 

ALL reactivity is fueled by your dogs emotions — this may be fear, it may be frustration, it may be both.

You need to meet your dog where they are and start the process of changing their emotional responses. 

The beauty of this process is that you get to learn more about your dog and teach them that you are a trusted ally in this HUMAN world. 

The BIGGEST mistake I see dog guardians make is believing they have to punish their dog in order to change their behavior.

Nothing could be further from the truth! Compassion, kindness and positive reinforcement training methods are PROVEN to be the most effective and humane!

The Truth:

If You Don’t Start Training, You're Dog's Behavior Is Never Going to Improve.

You're going to be in the same frustrated +  overwhelmed place forever.

Continuing to do the same thing with your dog that ISN'T working and is only making both of your lives harder than they need to be!

 You don't have to know it all!

Your dogs reactivity is not a reflection of who you are. 

When people have a problem, they seek out a SPECIALIST! We are the leading dog Reactivity Specialists.

We have a proven system to make sure both you and your dogs have the skills to navigate your lives together. 

We are bringing our combined 18 years experience working with reactive dogs to give you the most essential skills and emotional support to enjoy your time with your dog again!

If you're brand new to training your dog or you're an old hat at dog training, our system can you get you and your dog to the next level!

Join Us Today In

A Proven Method for Changing Your Training Strategies To See HUGE STRIDES In Your Dog's Behavior 

...or Your Money Back!

  • Learn to read and understand your dog's body language to get at the heart of why they're having a hard time. 
  • Discover how to choose training locations so you and your dog can succeed.
  • Gain the communication and training skills to get your dog to behave calmly.
  • Let go of caring what OTHER people think about your dogs behavior.
  • Connect with other reactive dog guardians that understand exactly what you're going through.
  • Help your dog be happier, more confident, more fulfilled through trust rand relationship building.

We Aren't The Dog Here, We're Training YOU!

BUT- What About Real Life Scenarios... WE GOT YOU!

-9 Modules

-50 + Training Videos

-15 Core Skillsets for the Human

-10 Core Skillsets for the Dog

-Step by Step Instructions On How to Handle REAL LIFE Scenarios




My Training Philosophy


Or why I'm not charging as much as for this course as I should

Since starting A Good Feeling Dog Training 13 years ago, I’ve helped thousands of dog guardians improve their relationship and communication skills with their dogs. My whole goal and ethos is helping you understand your dogs better. They've got complex needs, just like us! Our chosen companions deserve joyful and fulfilling lives, just as we do, and that includes all the skills needed to manage the unexpected challenges of reactivity. 


We've been there. Steph and I are both reactive dog guardians. We know the challenges of walks while your dog is losing their mind at the other dog behind the fence - that kid on a skateboard - some random tree in the park. We are providing to you what we wish we would have had early in our careers and what we wish we could have provided to the reactive dogs in our care. Truly - this is our life's work. 

 With Reactive Redefined you receive LIFETIME access to training content, so you can embark of your training journey with the confidence and skills to make huge progress!

Ready to invest in your future?!

The skills you will learn inside of Reactive Redefined will LITERALLY last your dogs entire life!

Join now and gain instant access to the course material and expert 1:1 guidance!

7, 1:1 calls + weekly video feedback are included in your investment. 

Work with either Rachel or Steph  to get a CUSTOMIZED training with weekly training support and video feedback. 

Join Now!



We Want You To Know That REACTIVE REDEFINED Is The Right Course For YOU and your DOG!


  • What if my dog loses it anytime they see the triggers no matter the distance?

If your dog over reacts to their triggers even when they are what seems like miles away R.R. can definitely help you. We not only focus on what to do to prevent reactions we also trouble shoot how to handle real life when you encounter your dogs triggers.

  • What if my dog is not only reactive but has also acted aggressively?

R.R. not only gives you the skills to trouble shoot the reactivity but we are also well versed in aggressive behavior. If your dog has bitten other dogs, people or other animals, R.R. is still right for you.

Ready to commit to your dogs training and invest in your futures together?

You'd spend $1500+ for reactivity coaching like what we offer through Reactive Redefined.

That's a $900+ savings!

Reactive Redefined gives you the practical skills and behavioral understanding you need to see a huge improvement in your dogs behavior and drastically improve the quality of your lives!

 One Time Investment of $600

Join Now

Copyright © 2025 A Good Feeling Dog Training